Tuesday, 11 February 2025

769 Fright Night 2 (1989 )

 Amanda Bearse declined  to  appear  in  this  sequel  and  probably  made  the  right  choice.  Director Tommy  Lee  Wallace  differentiates it from its  prdecessor  by  upping the  comic  element  but  ends  up  with  a  film which  is  neither  funny  nor  scary  with a  quartet of  New  Romantic vampires  tring  to  outcamp  each  other. William  Ragsdale  and  Roddy  McDowall  reprise  their  roles   and  the  film relies  heavily  on  the  skills of  the latter  to  keep  it  afloat . It's still a bit of  a  drag  though.

Traci Lind  ( as  Suzie )

Sex : Suzie has  her  breasts  fondled  in  a car

Death : Survives

Traci was a former  teen model who first appeared on TV in the soap Ryan's Hope  in 1984 aged 16. She broke into films  a  couple of years  later. She  had  supporting roles in The  Handmaid's Tale, Bugsy and The Road To Wellville. In 1996, she  made  allegations of domestic abuse against her former boyfriend Dodi Al-Fayed. She  retired the  following  year  citing a desire for privacy.

Julie Carmen ( as Regine )

Sex : Regine  uses her  seductive powerrs to bring men close

Death : Shrivels up then catches fire when exposed to daylight

Julie  was  born  in  New  York  of  Latin  heritage. She   made  her  TV  debut  in  Guiding  Light in  the  late  seventies  while  at  the  same  time  working  as  a  dance  teacher.  In  Film  she  is  probably  best  known  for  In  The  Mouth Of Madness. She  lectures  on  women in film  and  is  also  a  trained  psychotherapist  though  she  hasn't  given  up  acting  yet.

Rochelle  Ashana  ( as  Art Major )

Sex : No

Death : Drained of blood by a vampire

Rochelle is  from California  of  Filippino  heritage. This  was  her first  film  in  a  short  career , the  highlight of  which  was  appearing  with  Jean-Claude Van Damme in Kickboxer. She  retired in 1996  and now has  a  photography  business.

Neith Hunter ( as Young Admirer )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Neith  is  from  San  Francisco and  acted,mainly  in  horror  films, between  1985 and 1989.


768 976-Evil ( 1989)

 This  was  Robert "Freddie Krueger" Englund's first  outing  as  a  director and  it's a  curate's egg of a film. He  manages  to  give  the  film  that   distinct  Elm  St  look but fails  to  make sense  of  the  scripy. One  scene  of  a  woman  getting  killed  outside  a  shop  seems  to  have  been placed  completely  at  random.  Stephen Geoffreys plays Hoax, the oldest  school kid since  Rizzo in Grease, a  bullied outsider  who plots revenge against his tormentors with the help of a demon on the end of a phone line. That's simple enough  but the presence of a  cool cousin, Spike, who's big enough to protect him and uses  the line first, a  religious sadist mother , a guy who doesn't know whether he's a cop or a journalist and a teacher's sudden elevation to final girl status make it horribly confused.

Lezlie Deane ( as  Suzie )

Sex : Suzie has sex with  Spike

Death : Bitten by poisonous spiders 

Lezlie  was born in Texas. This  was  her  first film  after a  string of TV appearances. She  went on to appear with Englund in a couple of Elm St projects before putting her acting career on hold to join lesbin pop group Fem2fem in 1993. Wikipedia  currently makes wholly  fictitious claims about UK success for the group. She briefly returned to acting in 1997 then became captain and coach of  a  roller derby team.

Maria Rubell ( as Angela )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

This  was  the  first  film for  Maria  whose brief  acting career was  coming to an end.

Wendy J Cooke (as Gang girl )

Sex :   She has to do a strip tease for the gang

Death :  Survives ( in the absence of evidence to the contrary)

Wendy was a bit part  actress active  in film and  TV  for  ten years from 1995. Her biggest achievement was a three episode run in The Wonder Years .

Roxanne  Rogers ( as Waitress)

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Roxanne is the sister of actor  Sam Shephard. Her  career apparently  ended  in 1990 after a handful  of  films but  she  unexpectedly  returned to  film in 2013 and is still working.

Mindy Seeger ( as Victim )

Sex : No

Death : Fatally  injured by flying glass

Mindy  was  the  daughter of  director Hal  Seeger. She  was  mainly  active  on TV  where she is best remembered for  playing  Chris in  The  West Wing , after which  she  retired.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

767 Leviathan ( 1989 )

 This  science  fiction  horror  movie  got  a  critical  mauling  for its  lack of originality.  It  is  basically  an  underwater amalgamation  of  Alien  and  The Thing  and  has  very  few  surprises   but  nonetheless  it  is well  performed  and  a  solid  monster movie. The  crew  of  an  underwater  mining  operation  discover  a  recently  sunken  ship, go  inside  and  bring something  nasty  back with  them. You  know the  rest.

Amanda  Pays ( as  Williams )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Amanda  signs  off  from  horror  films with  a  very  physical  performance  in  which  she's  frequently  wet  through.

Lisa  Eilbacher ( as  Bowman )

Sex : No

Death : Slashes her  wrists  after  discovering she's infected

Lisa  started  acting as  a  teen and  appeared  in  guest  roles  in many  popular TV  series of  the  seventies ( Gunsmoke, Streets Of San Francisco, The Waltons, Man From Atlantis ). Her  film career was  slower  to  get going  but she made a good  impression in An  Officer And A Gentleman and Beverley Hills Cop. She got  married in 1988 and her appearances became less  frequent  before she  retired  altogether in 1995..


Saturday, 8 February 2025

766 Kadaicha (1988 )

 Another helping  of  Abo-centric horrror from Australia  as  a  group of  teens  start  getting  picked  off by posssessed animals  after a  residential development  is  built  over  a  graveyard , a la Poltergeist. The  cast  are  attractive but  the film  is  derivative and mediocre.

Zoe Carides  ( as Gail Sorensen )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Zoe  is  from  Sydney and  this  was  her  first  film. She  is  mainly  a  TV  actress in  Australia  and  her  career is  ongoing.

Fiona  Gauntlett  ( as  Fizz )

Sex : No

Death : Drowned  and possibly bitten by a  giant eel

This  was  the  first  film  of  Fiona's very brief acting careeer in the eighties.

Natalie McCurry ( as Tracey )

Sex : Tracey promises her  boyfriend sex at  the weekend but never gets the chance to deliver

Death : Tracey has her throat torn out by a jackal

Natalie  made  her  screen debut  in Sons and Daughters  in 1986  but  is best  remembered as the  female  lead  in  cult  thriller Dead End Drive-In. Her career continued  in  film  and TV until 2004. She  died  of  cancer  in 2014.  

Sarah Dakin ( as Deb )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

This  is  Sarah's only film role.

Terry Markwell ( as Gloria )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Despite  being  American by birth ,Terry made  her  screen debut in famed Aussie soap Return To Eden in 1986. This  was her first film role. She  is best known for her role in the  revived  Mission Impossible TV series in the late eighties . She disapears after 1997.


765 The Dreaming ( 1988 )

 This  Australian chiller can't make  up  its  mind  initially  whether  it's  a  political drama  or a translanted Egyptian curse movie but  in  the  end  it  settles for  being a re-run of The Fog with a strikingly  similar finale. A  young  doctor is disturbed by the  death of an Aboriginal activist  under  her  care, the  trail leading  to  her own  anthropologist  father.

Penny Cook ( as Cathy )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Penny  was  from  Melbourne, This  was  the  first  of  only  two  feature  films  she  made but she  was  successful on  Aussie  TV  with a  big role  in  A  Country  Practice and  stints on E Street  and  Neighbours. She  was  also  active  in  the  theatre. She  died  of  cancer in 2018.

Kristina Nehm ( as  Warindji )

Sex : No

Death : Hacked  to death by a whaler

Kristina  was an Aboriginal actress who had a  brief career in Australian TV and film in the eighties. She  is  credited as an assistant director on  the  mini-series Heartland.

Friday, 31 January 2025

764 Lair Of The White Worm ( 1988 )

 Ken Russell's latest film was  a loose ( as you'd expect with Russell ), contemporary  adaptation  of  a  little known  Bram Stoker novel. That said , this  is  Russell  in  relatively  restrained  form with  fewer  jump cut montages  and  much less pretension than usual.  Ruseell  stated it was a  comedy  and with its   comic  cops , atrocious  attempts at Northern accents.  the  casting of two  extensively  derided  actresses and  a  thoroughly  ridiculous finale, it's  plain to  see  he  wasn't  taking  it  too  seriously. Hugh Grant and Peter Capaldi give it some heft though.

Amanda Donohoe ( as Lady Silvia )

Sex : Silvia  seduces a  boy scout before killing him

Death : Falls into the mouth of a giant serpent

Amanda first came to public attention as  the  teenaged  girlfriend  of  Adam Ant. She  then  attended a  theatrical college. She made  her  name  with  her  mostly  naked  role in the  film Castaway. She  moved  to  America  in  the  early  nineties and  had   good  roles  in L.A.Law and  the  film  Liar Liar.  She  returned  to  Britain  in  the  early  2000  and  has  starred in Bad Girls  and Murder City as  well  as  a  year  in  Emmerdale. Her career is ongoing.

Catherine Oxenberg ( as Eve Trent )

Sex : Eve is a virgin

Death : Survives

Catherine  is a scion of  the  former royal family of Yugoslavia and related to most of the European royals. Her first screen appearance was  playing Princess Diana in a 1982  TV movie. She is best known for  her time as Amanda  Carrington in Dynasty for  which  she  was  slammed for her wooden acting  and  eventually  replaced, This  was  the  first of  half a dozen film  roles but  she  has  a  long  string  of  TV movies to her name. She  has  also  dabbled  in  reality TV and  in  recent  years has  attracted  publicity through  intervening to extract  her  daughter  from  a  cult.

Sammy  Davis ( as Mary Trent )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Sammi made  her  film  debut  in  Mona  Lisa  in 1986  and  was  very  busy  in  the  late  eighties though  she  attracted much  criticism for  her  mannered  acting  style. In  the  nineties  she  married film  director  Kurt Voss  and  her  appearances  became  less  frequent, ceasing  altogether at the end  of  the  decade. She  has  made  occasional  appearances since  but   mainly  works  in  corporate  photography  these  days.

Gina McKee ( as Nurse Bradwell)

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Gina is from Durham and  started acting as a young teen, making her first appearance in  Tyne  Tees ' Quest Of  Eagles in 1979. She  reappeared in  1986 in Auf Wiedersehn Pet and this one scene  cameo was her first film role. She  made  her  name as Mary in Our Friends In The North in 1996 and  has been  a  busy  actress ever since.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

763 Dream Demon ( 1988)

 This  British chiller  is  a  polished  effort which  keeps you  watching without  being very original.  Diana, a naive young woman has unnerving dreams in apprehension of her imminent marriage to a Falklands war hero  in whom  the  tabloid  press are interested ( a bit of a  stretch  for  1988) .These take a  disurbing turn  for  the  worse when she  encounters  a  young  American woman  who  was  brought  up  in  her  house. The  acting  of  both the  young  lovers  could  be  better but  Jimmy Nail and  Timothy  Spall  are  entertaining  as  gutter pressmen.

Jemma Redgrave ( as Diana )

Sex : Diana is a virgin

Death : Survives  

Jemma  is  the  daughter of  Loony  Left  actor  Corin  Redgrave. She  had  already  made  a  mark on  stage  before  making  her  screen  debut  in  this film. Although she has  made other films, she  is  primarily a  TV  actress playing  the  title  role in Bramwell, a  recurring  role  in  Holby City and  an  ongoing  role  in  Dr Who. She  is  also  active  in  the  theatre.

Kathleen Wilhoite ( as Jenny )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Kathleen does her usual kooky turn  in  this  one.

Annabelle Lanyon ( as Little Jenny )

Sex : n/a

Death : See above

A  very  strange  piece  of  casting  here  as  Annabelle  was  actually  four  years  older  than her  adult  counterpart  and doesn't look  remotely  like  her. She  started  out  as  a child  actress in  the  early  seventies appearing  in  Pardon My Genie and  The  Adventures Of Black Beauty  and  continued  playing  children into  her  twenties. Annabelle  took  a  sabbatical from  acting  in  the  early  nineties  but  returned  to  the  screen in  the  noughties and  is  still  active, mainly  in  horror  films.