Tuesday, 7 January 2025

754 They Live (1988)

 Perhaps  the  strangest  entry  in  John Carpenters  body of  work, this is  an odd blend  of  social satire, science  fiction  and  action  movie  which only  works  in parts. Professional wrestler Roddy Piper plays Nada , an unemployed drifter existing on  the  fringes of  LA  society  who  realises that a  small  band  of  conspiracy theorists  are  actually right and that  US society  is  controlled  by  hidden aliens. David  Icke  must  love  this  movie. He  then becomes  a  resistance  fighter  and  the  film goes rapidly  downhill into  a  stew  of  unrealistic  violence and  borrowed sci-fi tropes ( Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, Blakes Seven, V, The Running Man).

Meg Foster ( as  Holly)

Sex : No

Death : Nada shoots  her

Meg is from Pennsylvania . She  made  her  TV debut in 1969 and worked almost exclusively  in  TV during  the  seventies. She  started  making more films in  the  eighties often in villainess  roles due to  her  strikingly pale blue eyes. She  is probably best  remembered as Cagney in the  first series of Cagney and Lacey before being replaced by Sharon Gless. She  retired in 2004  but  returned to  acting in 2011 , mainly in horror  films. Though they appeared  together in the film Carny , she  is unrelated to Jodie.

Cibby Danyla ( as Naked Lady )

Sex : She  discovers she's having sex with an alien in the  final scene

Death : Survives

Cibby was a  film  extra  in the late eighties who  usually went  uncredited.In  the mid-noughties she was involved in Christian broadcasting.

753 Halloween IV : The Return Of Michael Myers (1988 )

 As  the  title unsubtly  suggests, the  film-makers responded to the  lukewarm  reception for Halloween III with a return to formula. Michael Myers and  Donald  Pleasence's Dr Loomis have both somehow  survived the explosion at the end of Halloween II  and  ten year's later Myers reurns to Haddonfield and goes after Laurie Strode's orphaned daughter ( Jamie Lee Curtis having  declined to  reprise her role). While  not containing  too  many  surprises, it's  an  effective  slasher with a  shock  ending that still delivers a punch.

Ellie Cornell (as Rachel)

Sex : No

Death : Survives

This  was  Ellie's  second  film after a minor  role in  Married To  The  Mob. She reprised the  role  in  the  sequel. She  had  to  put  her  career on  hold  in 1992 after  becoming  pregnant. Ellie  returned  to  the  screen in 1988  mainly  in  horror  films. Ellie  has  dabbled in film  production with her husband  and  they  also  own  a  restaurant.

Danielle Harris ( as Jamie )

Sex : N/a

Death : Survives

Danielle  is  from Pennsylvania. This  was  her  first  film  role  at  age 11 after doing  commercials and  one  or  two TV appearances.  She  has built  a  substantial career since  with  decent  roles in  The  Last  Boy Scout  and Free Willie  and  success as  a  voice  actress in The  Wild Thornberrys and Father Of The  Pride.  She  is  however  best  known as a scream queen.

Kathleen Kinmont ( as  Kelly )

Sex : Kelly  starts having sex with Rachel's boyfriend but they are interrupted

Death : Impaled with a shotgun

Kathleen is  a  former  model who  worked her  way up from bit parts to more substantial roles. For  four  years she  starred in  the  series  Renegade  alongside  her then-husband Lorenzo Lomas. She  is  currently  in  the  TV  series Phoenix.

Monday, 6 January 2025

752 Pumpkinhead (1988)

 The  always reliable Lance  Henriksen stars  here  as  a  vengeful father out  in  the  sticks who  calls  on  a  local demon  when his  son is  mown down by an oaf  from  a  group  of  campers . This  is  a slick  monster  movie  graced  with  some genuine pathos. Henriksen is  great but the  victims  are a bit too  thinly  drawn  for  you to  care  much  what  happens to  them.

Cynthia Bain ( as Tracey )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Cynthia  is  from California and  this  was  her  second  film  role. Her  acting  career mostly  consisted of  TV  work. In 2005, she  retired from  acting  herself  and  became  an  actung  coach. She  worked  in  this  capacity on  Tv  for  another  10 years  and  runs  her  own  Young Actor Studio.

Kimberly Ross ( as Kim )

Sex : No

Death : Dropped on to a rock from a great height

Kimberly  was  from  Missouri  and  was  a  model  before going  into  acting in  the  early  eighties. This  was  her  penultimate  screen role . After  retiring from acting  in  the  early  nineties, she  ran  a  photography studio. She died of breast cancer in 2006.

Kerry Remsen ( as Maggie )

Sex : No

Death : Her head is rammed through a glass window, cutting her throat

Kerry  was  from  Los  Angeles  and  had  a  solid unspectacular  career , mainly on TV, between 1981 and 1995.

Devon Odessa (as Hessie )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

This  was 14 year old Devon's first film role after a handful of TV appearances. Her  career has  been  split about 50/50  between film and  TV ( notably My So-Called Life )  but  her  appearances have been sporadic in recent years.