This Canadian sci-fi horror is a shocker in all the wrong senses. Tom Breznahan plays Jim , a student trouble-maker sent to a TV psychiatrist ( Reanimator's David Gale ) , who just stumbles on the fact that he's serving a giant sentient brain with teeth. As soon as you catch sight of the brain, it's all downhill as this preposterous lump of rubber with a very limited range of movement , wouldn't frighten a four year old and its ultimate destruction scene is utterly risible. When it's not trying to be an Ed Wood movie , the film is just illogical and boring.
Cynthia Preston ( as Janet )
Sex : Janet has sex with Jim but it could be an hallucination
Death : Survives
Cynthia was born in Ontariobut took US citizenship in 2008. This was one of her first films. She has maintained her career through versatility. She was the voice of Zelda in the animated series The Legend of Zelda, had a five year run in General Hospital in the noughties and was in the 2013 remake of Carrie.
Christine Kossack (as Vivien)
Sex : Vivien strips to the waist to get Jim's attention
Death : Vivien gets eaten by the brain ( despite it being little bigger than her had when it first attacks her)
This was the only substantial role of Christine's three film career.
Susannah Hoffman ( as Becky )
Sex : No
Death : The hallucinations directed by the brain cause her to fall out of a window
Susannah is a former ballerina from Ontario whose work has mainly been on Canadian TV. Her career is ongoing.
Sarah Chapple ( as Debbie )
Sex : No
Death : Survives
This was the third and last of Sarah's film roles.
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