This horror-comedy was loosely based on an HP Lovecraft serial story about a young medical student Herbert West ( Jeffrey Combs ) who can restore corpses to a violent semblance of life. West is haf-insane but it turns out he's not the most dangerous person on the campus. The tongue in cheek humour leavens the over-the-top violence and gore and the special effects are great.
Barbara Crampton ( as Megan )
Sex : Megan has sex with her boyfriend and is later sexually assaulted by a re-animated corpse.
Death : Megan is throttled by a re-animated corpse
Barbara was born in New York to a carnival family. She made her TV debut in The Days Of Our Lives and then her film debut in Body Double a year later. Yhis was her third film and the start of her career as a horror icon. She did mainly TV work in the nineties but in the last two decades has fully embraced her standing in horror and appeared in many recent films.
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