Monday, 21 October 2024

544 Angel Heart (1987 )

 Alan  Parker's gloomy adaptation of an  occult  novel  concerns  a  private detective Hary Angel (Mickey  Rourke )  hired  by  a  mysterious stranger ( Robert De Niro )  to  find  a  possibly  deceased  crooner who  owes him  some unspecified debt. The  trail  gets  progressively  darker the  closer  he  gets  to  the  truth and  the  .bodies pile  up. There  are  a  fair  amount of plot holes, not  least  that  Rourke  is too  young  for  his  back  story,  but  it  moves  at  a  good  pace and is  impressively  atmospheric  throughout.

Lisa Bonet ( as Epiphany )

Sex : Epiphany has sex with Harry

Death : Shot  through her vagina

Lisa  is  from San Francisco and began  acting  in  commercials at  the  age  of  11. She got  her  big  break on TV  in  1984  when  she  joined  The  Cosby  Show. This   was  her  first  film  role  and  the  controversy  over  her  nudity  forced  her  out  of  the  show  although  Bill  Cosby  fixed  her  up  with  a  spin-off  show  drolly  titled A  Different  World . She  married  Lenny  Kravitz  in 1987  and  was  a  major  influence  on  his  early  music. They  divorced  in 1993  by  which  time  her  career  was  on  the  slide  although  she  did pull  herself  up  again in 1998 with  Enemy Of  The  People. She  has  been  inactive  since 2017.

Charlotte Rampling  ( as Margaret )

Sex : No

Death : Has  her  heart ripped  out  with  a  ceremonial knife.

This  was  Charlotte's  first  horror  film  since Asylum in 1972.

Elizabeth Whitcraft ( as Connie )

Sex : Connie  has  sex  with  Harry

Death : Survives

This  was the  second  film  of  Elizabeth's  brief  acting  career  which  finished in 1994. She  re-emerged  as  the  costume  designer  for  the  TV  series  The  Biggest  Loser in 2006.

Kathleen Wilhoite ( as Nurse )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Kathleen  has  a  one  scene  cameo  in  the  film.

Nicole  Burdette  ( as Ellie ) 

Sex : No

Death : Survives

This  was Nicole's  first  film  role and  presumably a  favour  for  help  in  casting  since  her  scene adds  zilch  to the  plot  and  she  ran a  New  York  theatre  company. She  was  a  prolific  playwright  who  occasionally  took  film  parts  and  played  a  minor  character in The  Sopranos.

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