This is a good film, quite sexually-charged for its day, although Somerset Maugham on whose novel it's based didn't care for it. It concerns an evil magician and hypnotist Oliver Haddo ( based on Aleister Crowley ) who needs to kill a virgin to complete a black magic rite. His eye falls on a sculptress Margaret Dauncey who has recently been restored to health by her now-fiance Dr Burdon. Margaret falls under Haddo's sway after he takes her in a trance to a bacchanalian orgy.
Alice Terry ( as Margaret Dauncey )
Sex : Margaret witnesses a copulating couple ( extras ) at the orgy and is clearly up for being next with the same near-naked guy although Haddo brings her out of the trance before anything happens. Some of her costumes show some cleavage.
Death : Survives
Alice was director Rex Ingram's wife and she too expressed dissatisfaction with the film. She retired with him when talkies came along and took up painting. After suffering from Alzheimer's, she died in 1987 aged 88.
Gladys Hamer ( as Susie Boyd )
Sex : No
Death : Survives
Gladys was a British girl from Birmingham and a fair bit older than Alice whose friend she plays. Her film career lasted until 1935 and she died in 1967 aged 82.
Rosita Garcia ( as Arab Girl )
Sex : No
Death : Bitten by a horned viper carelessly discarded by Haddo after demonstrating his immunity to its bite ( there is only one puncture mark on his hand though ). She is rushed to hospital but Haddo later refers to the incident as a "tragedy" implying that she perished.
Rosita was actually Uruguayan. She only made six films and is uncredited in half of them. She died in 1997 aged 90.
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