Wednesday 18 September 2024

529 Maximum Overdrive (1986)

 This  is  almost  certainly the  worst Stephen King  adaptation , indeed in  the conversation for  worst film  in a number  of  categories, perhaps  because  he  directed  it  himself. Emilio  Estevez  plays  Bill, a  punk on probation working in a diner  when a  comet  causes  machines to  turn  aggressive  against  the  human  population. The  first  20 minutes of  carnage  is  actually  quite  inventive  but  as  soon  as  it  turns into  a  seige  movie, it becomes  unwatchable.  The  largely  unknown cast  grapple  with  a  witless  script that  largely  consists  of  shouting  insults  at  each  other although  it's  a  bizarre reference  to  Neville  Chamberlain  that  really  takes  the  biscuit. Awful beyond words.

Laura  Harrington ( as Brett)

Sex : Brett has sex with Bill

Death : Survives

Laura  is  from  Michigan and  got  her  first  film  role  in  1981.After  this  one , she  waorked  mainly in  TV  but  did  re-emerge in 1993  in  What's  Eating  Gilbert  Grape ? In 1999 , hr  contemporary  opera  Libretto  came  to  the  stage  and  she  retired  from  acting.

Yeardley Smith  (as Connie )

Sex : Connie and  her  husband  do  some  heavy  petting  during  the  siege

Death : Survives

Yeardley started  acting  professionally  in  1982  and  this  was  her  thrd  film. With  her unusual looks  and  small  voice she  was  destined  for  comic  roles but  in  1987  she  became  the  voice  of  Lisa  Simpson. That  has  sustained  her  for  nearly  40 years  but  she has  continued  to  work in  film, TV  and  the  theatre. She  is  also  an  independent  film producer.

Ellen McElduff ( as Wanda )

Sex : No

Death : Machine-gunned by a military jeep

Ellen  is  a  Canadian  actress  who  has  been  working  in  film and  TV ( particularly  crime  dramas ) since  she  was 10. She  is  also  an  accomplished  stage  actress.

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