This Oz thriller concerns a group of students who break into a department store at night and find themselves trapped in there with a maniac cop ( a way over the top performance from Stephen Grives ). It's a bit low on shocks for a horror film but some of the individual scenes are effective with imaginative use of the store setting.
Kathryn Walker (as Kathy )
Sex : She has a snog with her boyfriend on a bed but it doesn't seem like they go further
Death : Survives
This was the last of just three film credits for Catherine.
Sandie Lillingston ( as Ziggy)
Sex : No
Death : Survives
Sandie made her film debut with a small role in Mad Max 3 : Beyond the Thunderdome. Her real success has been in Australian TV with long runs in Home And Away, Bananas In Pyjamas and Newlyweds. She retired from acting in 2009.
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