Sunday, 27 August 2017

269 Rosemary's Baby ( 1968 )

This  is  another  nailed-on  classic, the  film  that  really  cemented  director Roman  Polanski's  reputation. It's  lengthy  but  fully  justifies  that  by  gradually  building  the  tension  in  a  masterpiece  of  urban  paranoia.

Rosemary  and  her  husband, mediocre  actor  Guy  ( John  Cassavetes )  move  into  a  New  York  apartment  despite  the  building's  sinister  history  and  befriend  their  slightly  overbearing   new neighbours  Roman  and  Minnie  Castevets  ( Sidney  Blackmer  and  Ruth  Gordon ). Shortly  afterwards,  Rosemary  has  a  dream  in  which  she  is  raped  by  a  fiend  and  then  finds  she  is  pregnant. As  the  pregnancy  progresses, Rosemary  gets  more  doubtful  that Guy  is  actually  the  father.

Mia  Farrow  ( as  Rosemary  Woodhouse )

Sex : Rosemary  is  raped  by  Satan  in  a  dream  sequence. NB  the  boobs  and  bum  in  this  sequence  are  those  of  a  body  double.

Death : Survives

Mia's  life  story  is  pretty  well  known. She  came   to  prominence in  the  TV  soap  Peyton  Place  where  she  attracted  the  attention  of  Frank  Sinatra  and  married  him  in  1966  despite  a  30  year  age  difference. He  didn't  mind  her  going  off  to   India  with The  Beatles  in  1967  but  served  her  with  divorce  papers  while  she  was  filming  this. In  1970,  she  married  British  conductor  Andre  Previn  who  had  impregnated  her. They  divorced  in  1979  and  she  took  up  with  Woody  Allen  and  appeared  in  many  of  his  films  before  Hollywood's  most  acrimonious  break-up  in  1992  when  he  took  up  with  their  adopted  daughter  Soon-Yi. Since  then,  she's  never  stopped  bad-mouthing  him  including  accusations  of  child  abuse  though  these  have  never  been  tested  in  court. When  she  became  too  old  to  adopt  any  more  children, she  got  involved  with  international  children's  causes  with  her  acting  career  taking  a  back  seat. She is  now  72.

Angela  Dorian ( as  Teri  Gionoffrio )

Sex : No

Death : Jumps  or  is  pushed  from  a  high  window

Angela  was  originally  Victoria  Vetri  from  San  Francisco. She  took  the  new  name  when  she  started  modelling. She  posed  for  Playboy  in  1967. Her  acting  career  petered  out  in  the  mid-seventies. She  is  currently  serving  a  nine  year  prison  sentence  for   attempted  voluntary  manslaughter  after  shooting  her  fourth  husband  in  2010. She  is  now  72.

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