Thursday, 31 August 2017

274 Haunted House of Horror ( 1969 )

The  best  thing  I  can  find  to  say  about  this  early  teen  slasher  film  is  that  the  clumsy  title  at  least  gives  you  warning  that  it  isn't  going  to  be  much  cop. Tigon  worked  with  AIP  on  this  who  imposed  a  number  of  compromises  on  script  and  casting. The  result  is  an  illogical  plot  with  terrible  acting  and  clumsy  direction.

A  group  of  youngsters  led  by  Chris  (  29-year old  has-been  Frankie  Avalon )  spend  a  night  in  a  nearby  deserted  mansion  for  kicks. Gary  ( Mark  Wynter )  is  brutally  murdered  and  the  rest  decide  to dispose  of  the  body  because  one  or  two  of  them   have  had  minor  brushes  with  the  law  before. As  they  fret  over  the  police  investigation  the  group  decide  to  return  to  see  if  they  missed  something  crucial  before.

Jill  Haworth ( as  Sheila )

Sex : Nice  legs

Death : Survives

Jill  was  something  like  fourth  choice  for  the  role  with  Sue  Lyon, Jane  Marrow  and  Carol  Lynley  considered  before  her.

Gina  Warwick  ( as  Sylvia )

Sex : Sylvia  has  been  sleeping  with  an  older  married  man

Death : Survives

This  was  the  Warwickshire-born  actress's  last  film. She  died  in  Califonia  in  2001  aged  59.

Carol  Dilworth  (  as  Dorothy )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

This  was  Carol's  only  substantial  film  role. She   went  on  to  be  a  hostess  on  The  Golden  Shot  and  Sale  of  the  Century.  She  married  Len  Hawkes  of  The  Tremeloes  and  is  the  mother  of  Chesney  Hawkes. She  is  now  69.

Veronica  Doran  ( as  Madge )

Sex : No

Death : Survives

Plump  Veronica  found  her  niche  in  seventies  sex  comedies  which  became  a  bit  of  an  embarrassment  to  her  in  the  early  eighties  when  she  appeared  in  Coronation  Street  as  Eddie  Yeats's  girlfriend. She  is still  a  working  actress  but  hasn't  appeared  on  TV  sine  2000. She  is  now  69.

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